MQTT integration
The MQTT integration allows consuming device events and send commands to the devices using an MQTT based API. Events are encoded as CloudEvents.
The MQTT integration service allows to connect using standard MQTT mechanisms. Depending on the deployment, either using TLS or non-TLS connections.
The service supports both MQTT v3.1.1 and MQTT 5.
It is possible to use anonymous authentication. This may severely limit access to data, but in some special cases, this may be a viable use case.
OAuth2 Token
You can use the OAuth2 access token of your user as either username or password (not both at the same time!).
When using MQTT v3.1.1, you must pass the token as the username, as this version of MQTT doesn’t allow to send a password only.
Token expiration
OAuth2 access tokens are only valid for a short amount of time. You need to provide a non-expired access token in order to log in. For this, you most likely need to refresh the token before every connection attempt. An alternative is to use API keys instead. |
Subscribe to events
In order to subscribe to events, subscribe using the following filter: app/<application>
. So to subscribe to
, you need to subscribe to app/example-app
Data format
The default data format follows the MQTT binding for CloudEvents using the "structured content mode", which includes all information, metadata and actual payload, as part of the MQTT payload.
Binary content mode
When using MQTT 5, you can request the service to send events in the "binary content mode", which encodes the metadata as part of the MQTT user properties. In this case, the MQTT payload is equal to the actual CloudEvents payload.
As this encoding make use of "user properties", it is not available when using MQTT v3.1.1.
Shared subscriptions
By default, each MQTT subscriber uses its own Kafka consumer group, and thus receives each message.
However, you can use MQTT shared subscriptions to define a shared consumer group, which maps to using the same Kafka consumer group on the backend. In this case, only one of the consumers will receive a message.
To subscribe using shared subscriptions, use the following subscription filter: $share/<group-id>/app/<application>
So when subscribing to the application my-app
with the shared consumer identifier my-group
, you would use:
Publish commands
You can send back a command to a device by publishing to the following topic: command/<application>/<device>/<command>
For example, sending the command setTemperature
with payload {"value": 1.23 }
to the device my-device
of the
application my-app
, you would need to publish the payload {"value": 1.23 }
to the topic
Connecting over Websockets
Drogue Cloud allows connecting to MQTT over websocket too.This works the same was a standard MQTT, but be sure to check out some more details in the section MQTT over Websockets.