rak811 drogue-device example

This example application runs out of the box on a linux PC connected to a RAK811 breakout module loader with AT firmware using UART to communicate.



  • RAK811 module with AT-command firmware version 2.x (3.x not yet supported by driver)


To build and flash the example, you need to have rustup. In practice you can use whatever tool you want to flash the device, but this guide will assume that probe-run is used (cargo install probe-run).


Over The Air Authentication (OTAA) credentials will come from these entries in ~/.drogue/config.toml:

"dev-eui" = "..."
"app-eui" = "..."
"app-key" = "..."


To build the application:

RUST_LOG=info cargo build --release
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release