
The overall architecture of this tutorial looks like this:

Overall architecture
Figure 1. Architecture overview

Drogue Cloud will receive the telemetry data from the devices. It will authenticate and authorize the devices, normalize the events into "Cloud Events", but keep the payload unchanged. The events will be pushed to a Knative serving endpoint.

Knative will host an endpoint, which receives Cloud Events, and translates them into insert statement for the Timescale database.

TimescaleDB is the database, which will persist the data and serve queries coming from different applications interested in the data, like Grafana.

Grafana will act as visualization tool for the data.

With the exception of Knative, we do re-use existing services, all managed for us. And even for Knative itself, we re-use an existing service and only need to focus on the actual translation of the data.

Using this architecture, we do indeed achieve both: keeping our own, existing data structures, and on-boarding as many managed services as possible at the same time.

Some solutions do offer you the ability to convert data using a script language, like JavaScript, in the processing. However, with existing data models and formats, you most likely already have code to process your data, but not necessarily in JavaScript. Or using the limited subset of JavaScript that the solution allows you to use.

Having Knative in the mix, you can leverage your full existing portfolio of code, and favorite programming language to do the job. Still, you only need to focus on the actual translation. Deploying, scheduling, and scaling is all part of a Knative. And it will even scale down to zero. So if you don’t use it, you don’t pay for it.