
Grafana is the tool we use to visualize the data we have in Timescale now. Setting it up will involve the following steps:

  • Create a new Grafana instance

  • Add a datasource

  • Create a new dashboard


Grafana offers a "free plan", which is sufficient for our workshop. If you already have a Grafana instance, you can of course re-use that instance too.

Create instance

Log in to Grafana Cloud, and add a new stack using one of the Add stack buttons. Select a region that matches the other services and an instance URL that works for you. Once the deployment is ready, just navigate your browser to the instance and sign in.

Adding a datasource

As a first step, we need to let Grafana know where to get data from. So navigate to Configuration  Data sources and click the Add data source button. Select the "PostgreSQL" data source type, which should be installed by default to your instance.

For filling out the form, you will need the following information from the previous steps:

  • TimescaleDB hostname and port

  • Credentials of the "dashboard" timescale user

Fill out the form:





Drogue IoT

A name for the datasource

PostreSQL connection



The hostname and port number of your TimescaleDB instance



The database name, normally tsdb



The username of the "dashboard" user



The password of the "dashboard" user



Require TLS validation

PostreSQL details



The PostgreSQL version



Activate this, as we are connecting to a TimescaleDB instance

Min time interval


Lower to one second, to get more accurate data

All other fields can be left with their default values.

Click on the Save & Test button, you should get a confirmation that the connection is ok.

Create dashboard

The next step is to create a new dashboard, which makes use of the datasource we just added. Click on Create  Dashboard in the left sidebar menu and press the Add a new panel button.

Grafana allows all kinds of customizations and tweaks. Creating beautiful dashboards can be fun. However, in this workshop we focus on the important point. But if you like, feel free to spend some time in polishing your dashboards.
Save early, save often!

We don’t mention this explicitly in the following section, but be sure to safe your dashboard occasionally after making changes.

A first panel

This will give you a new chart, with a dummy datasource. Update the datasource and query to show the temperatures value we added previously:

Setting Value Description


Drogue IoT

The datasource connecting to TimescaleDB



The name of the table

Time column


The name of the field containing the timestamp

Metric column


The name of the metric, in our case, this is the device id


Column: temperature

The field of the actual value


Macro: $__timeFilter

A macro, creating the where clause which matches the current dashboard time window

Leave the other values to their defaults:

Panel settings
Figure 1. First panel settings

Don’t forget to press the Apply button, so commit the changes to the dashboard and exit the "Edit panel" mode.

Time window & Auto-reload

In order to better see when experimenting with data, let’s change the time window to 30 minutes. You can do this in the upper area of the screen:

Select time window
Figure 2. Select time window

Also, by default the dashboard does not update data automatically. This can be changed by expanding the drop-down menu of the refresh menu and selecting a refresh period:

Select auto-refresh
Figure 3. Select auto-refresh

Filtering by device

Currently, this query shows all devices at the same time. With Grafana you can allow the user to select one or more devices, to focus more on specific data.

Navigate to the dashboard settings (the cogwheel button in the top section of the screen). Then navigate to Settings  Variables and add a new variable using the Add variable button.

Enter the following information:

Setting Value Description




The name of the variable



Values are acquired by executing a query



Shows "Device" instead of "device_id" in the UI

Query options

Data source

Drogue IoT

The datasource used for the query


On time range change

Refreshes whenever the dashboard is reloaded, so we also get newlyl added devices.


select distinct device_id from temperatures

SQL query to get all device IDs

Selection options



Allow selecting one or more devices

Include All option


Allow selecting "all" devices

Leave the other fields with their defaults and commit the change using the Update button.

We will need to adapt the query, to add the variable as a filter in the where clause. Click on the title of the panel and select the Panel  Edit menu entry. This will bring you back to the query settings.

Find the row that starts with the WHERE clause, and add a new element by pressing the + button, choose to add an "Expression". The first part of the expression is the field, choose device_id by clicking on the section of the element. The second part is the value to test for.

Now the value part is a bit trickier. It could be a single device ID, it could be multiple device IDs, or none at all. No worries, SQL has you covered, and you can use the following expression: ANY(ARRAY[$device_id]::varchar[]), which performs a check if the value of the field (device_id) is in the provided array. Which also is true if the array is empty.

Apply the changes again. Then you can use the drop-down labeled Device, in the top of the dashboard:

Drop-down menu for the `device_id` variable
Figure 4. Drop-down menu for the device_id variable
Add more devices

Of course, as the screenshot might already have hinted, this is more fun when adding additional devices.

Take a look at the previous sections. Adding more devices should only be a few clicks in the Drogue IoT console now. Also be sure to push some data using the HTTP or MQTT commands.

What’s next?

Congratulations. We have our basic setup complete. We have set up all the different components, using managed services in the process.

Feel free to play around with this. We have a few ideas what you could try out in the summary of the workshop.

However, if you are curious, stick around for the next section, where we dig a bit deeper into the features of TimescaleDB. Showing you what benefits you can get over a standard PostgreSQL database.